Diamond Networks are makers of a variety of research nets and traps. Whether their use is intended for sampling,count or collection we can assist. Research nets require a consultative process from the development stage to final completion - we have this experience to construct to your requirements.
NOTE - State fisheries have strict guidelines of compliance and approval processes for the use of nets and traps - consult your local fisheries department before using.

Gillnets are a single walled panel of net commonly used by professional or recreational fishermen. The netting is generally of a uniform mesh although in some cases the mesh size will vary along the length of net. Gillnets can be constructed to float or sink depending on your requirements.
Net dimensions will be determined by the study type and how that will work with its intended environment.

Unlike single wall gill nets which catch a narrow range of fish, a trammel net will by the fact that its constructed with different mesh sizes catch more. Trammel nets are multi-layered net using both a large and small mesh combination.
Trammel Nets are hung together in such a way as to share the same common top and bottom rope.

Fyke nets can be used for fish eradication, sampling or harvesting. External or internal rings are used to provide the netting structure within a tapering cod end sock.
Their effectiveness will depend on the strategic placement that takes into account a water bodys flow direction and flow rate.

Traps are are used to target specific species in fresh or saltwater. Diamond Networks carry a variety of traps that specifically target certain fish or crustacians. Traps often need to be consistant in their construction for survey purposes, for which as a supplier, we can be totally relied upon.
Traps, such as turtle traps, need to accommodate, by design, the animals need to breathe.

Barrier Nets are used to herd/localise sealife for its collection or obversation purposes. In most cases the net is made of a knotless nylon material weighted in such a way as to remain submerged.
Barrier nets can provide for confined areas being selectively scoop netted.

Trawl Beam Nets are towed behind a vessel for sampling. Generally consisting of a rigid frame to support the opening structure of a trailing net. Cod end is rope gathered to provide access to catch.
In keeping with basic net construction, the frame is float assisted with the foot being weight assisted.

Diamond Networks supplies extruded mesh suitable for the construction of rigid fish traps and cages.
Other uses of this firm meshed nylon can be trap entries, trays or separation dividers.
This strong UV mesh is suitable for live and captive storage of fish life where possible descale or limb damage is minimised. This material is ideal for fish cages, cray mat's, aquarium partitioning and so on.
The following sizes are available - see table below.