Diamond Networks stock a wide variety of netting used in the exclusion of pests such as Bird Netting, Vege Netting, Fruit Fly Netting and other pest nets.
The nets construction itself can be knitted, knotted or woven with the really small mesh lending itself more to the latter. Our pest netting is made of a UV Polyethylene which proves to be a low mass but high strength economical material useful when a large expanse of area requires covering.
Selection criteria should be based on Mesh size and roll width with regard to the nets suitability and structure coverage.

Pest netting can be supported by an existing structure such as the tree itself or by a purpose built structure. Structures can range from a simple grounded flexible tube construction to a far more complex design, requiring guyed posts with perimeter suspension wire.
Considerations such as shade factor, bee pollination, windage, material weight together with its permanency or lack thereof will also need to be considered.
Diamond Networks supplies quality netting that will last. There's plenty of really ordinary net out there, not worth the purchase! Come and talk to us first!

Bird net selection obviously requires the identification of the particular species thats the cause of the problem. Bird size in relation to mesh size is not only important for the purpose of exclusion but is just as important to consider those species that are beneficial for which you don't want to exclude eg pollination and insect control.
Bird netting is used extensively in viticulture, agriculture and aquaculture. It is also used to curb and isolate the spread of animal disease as well as provide a barrier from sustained physical damage caused by their presence. Bird netting is a necessity if you're seriously looking for a return on your investment.

Diamond Networks supplies a large range of Bird Netting for it's customers.
For more information on our Bird Netting Range see table below:
Insect netting is used to prevent crop damaging insects during seasonal occurrences. The insect type needs to be identified as does the climatic conditions conducive to their appearance in time to have the net in place.
Insect, or Veggie net as we know it, affords the organic choice.
Diamond Networks supply quality Insect Netting that can be used season after season. Whether permanent or temporary we have a strong quality UV resistant product for your application.
For more information on our Insect Netting and Veggie Netting types and dimensions check out the table opposite.

Fruit Fly Netting is a translucent coloured netting made of high density polyethylene. Aperture of mesh is 2-3mm with a material weight of approx 105grams/sqmtr. Our Fruit fly netting is UV stablised and resistant to chafing.
Sold by the metre on length as a cut length or bundle - width is a consistent 10mtrs.

Bat net white or black is also made of HDPE with a hole aperture of 35mm. Material weight is approx 40grams and UV stablised.
This mesh is also suited to large and aquatic bird exclusion and other large pests over a very large span.
Sold in 100mtr x 35mtr bale length only.

Diamond Networks stock a variety of fruit tree and orchard netting - available in store or online.
Sold by the metre, pack sizes or bundles. Various associated installation fittings such as clips, twine, pole-caps, anchors, wire rope are also available.

Balcony Bird Exclusion Net
Exclusion Netting from Diamond Networks suitable for tempory or permanent installation . Tired of having your balcony fouled - talk to us about unobtrusive netting used to exclude birds from nesting or roosting.

Gardening Tools
Not only does Diamond Networks stock a wide range of permaculture and horticulture netting products, for pest prevention and plant cultivation, but we also stock a select group of quality accessory tools to complement your gardening efforts.
If you are frequently disappointed with the quality of your purchases given whats frequently available consider our range - the reward is in the quality.
We supply Pole cutters, Pruning saws, Secateurs, loppers, Hedge trimmers, sprayers and Snake gaters.