Industrial Nets
Nettings versitility allows for many industrial applications. Containment, barrier and safety can be suitabily addressed with the application of netting. The net selection has to fit the purpose economically and as importers/distributors we are in a position to assist.
Some netting material and its construction type will will be suitable whilst others may not. Let us help you in making that decision with a cost effective solution, whether it is something off the shelf or something customized.
Please scroll down below and in doing so recognize the versatility of Netting

Netting is suitable for a number of different Architectural applications in design, containment, safety or shading.
In other instances it can be used as balistrating containment, void space filler, safety barrier or special effect cover. It can be a convenient substitute other more permanent products installation.

Load restraint is every ones responsibility as well a requirement by law when it comes to transporting materials. Diamond Networks is a leading supplier of nets designed to restrain loads such as tradies utes to the heavy industrial waste applications.
Netting can be of netting or webb and customized for your specific use. Give us the opportunity to quote on fleet considerations. Contact us today.

Cargo nets have many uses from obstacle courses, material containment to lifting particular types of load. Cargo nets these days are commonly found to be made of synthetic fibre rope or webbing. The older natural fibre whilst still around is rarely produced because of the uneconomic cost of the natural fibre.
Note: All lifting nets for the purpose of lifting will need to comply with the appropriate ASNZS Standards.

Containment nets are used to just do that - contain material to a designated area. The perimeter of the net can be reinforced and anchored or frapped with rope/restraint straps to specific anchorages.
Considerations such as area requirements, load requirements and how that bears on a given area will need consideration. Contact us today for more information or for a quote.

Cyclone Netting (Diamond Max)provides for the safe containment of materials in high winds. The "web in the hand" so to speak whereby restaint ropes/Straps provide the anchorage and the netting provides the economic surface area. Cyclone nets are of generally made of a PE material where its strong and cost effective. Various manageable sizes are available from Diamond Networks.
NOTE Employers are bound by law to provide a safe workplace so if the forecast is predicting such an occurrence contact us.
Stock immediately available for quick dispatch!
Although typically used in the cyclone season to prevent dangerous flight of materials, this netting can be used to confine/restrain stores and equipment during any possible adverse weather conditions - short or long term.
Diamond Networks supplies cyclone restraint netting UVMAX in two thicknesses - 60ply and 78ply. This super strong net is available with a sewn perimeter border for securing anchorage.
Barrier Nets are used for the purpose of isolation. This isolation net can prevent specific objects or persons from entering or exiting an area. Examples are refuse containment, pest exclusion and access denial.
Barrier Nets can prove to be a very inexpensive method of space control and can be installed for temporary or permanent purposes.
We at Diamond Networks can supply a simple solution to the DIY or PRO tradesman for any number of applications.

Custom made Safety nets when properly installed can prevent objects or persons from falling. Mesh Size and net type once decided should then be securely fastened to accommodate any immediate loading.
Nets dependant on application can be made of PE, Polyester or Nylon. Again dependant on application safety nets need to comply to the ASNZS guidelines with further stringency employing the more ridget European standards EN 1263-1

Egress nets accommodate both safety and environmental considerations when it comes to pond management. Ponds for the purpose of Aquaculture, Settlement or Reservoirs should all have a means of physical escape whether it be for animal or personal.
Nets can be designed to be immersed or floated at waters entry.
Egress nets are manufactured to your requirements and dimensions.

Debris net can be used in a vertical or horizontal application. Containment nets can consist of either one or two nets laid up together - dependant on specific requirements.
All are custom made to customer requirements with their intended use in mind. Refuse containment on the vertical or void space protection on the horizontal are two examples of containment use.
For more information contact us today.